Program committee

Name Affiliation
Chris Wysopal Veracode
Michael D. Ernst University of Washington
Mike Hicks chair University of Maryland
Deian Stefan UCSD and Intrinsic
Daniele Perito Square
Ivan Arce Sadosky Foundation
Danfeng Zhang Penn State University
Sam Weber New York University
Merrielle Spain MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Rob Cunningham chair MIT Lincoln Lab
Stelios Sidiroglou-Douskos chair MIT (Tutorials Chair)
Jaeyeon Jung Microsoft Research
Ben Livshits Microsoft Research
Bart Preneel KU Leuven and iMinds
Ingrid Verbauwhede KU Leuven
Tamara Rezk INRIA
Boris Köpf IMDEA Software Institute
Stephen Chong Harvard
Milo Martin Google
Chris Palmer Google
June Andronick Data61/CSIRO (formerly NICTA) and UNSW
Elaine Shi Cornell University
Andrew Myers Cornell University
Andy Chou Cofounder of Coverity
Gary McGraw Cigital